Town: Montréal, Québec
Time: 8.22pm
Timezone: GMT -04.00
We left Ottawa at about lunchtime, because the check out time was then and we wanted to spend all day in the cool, beautiful hotel room. Nicest hotel room so far, and we're only there for one night.
Anyway. There was roadworks going on the 401 highway, so we did what any normal person would do and we took a detour to a local town for lunch. The town was Kingston, and I'm in love with it. It was so sweet. Ex-military base town, so it had all these cool old buildings and a really nice harbor.
And I have pictures!
And after that we arrived in Montréal. And the first shop we walked in, the guy says something in French really fast and I was just like.... "Oh."
But you get used to saying, "Hello," when they say, "Bonjour," because most of the time, the other person will be bilingual. The province of Québec is French-Canadian, and most people will speak French predominantly but also be fluent in English. Most of the street signs are French but you learn quick the signs, such as super sale which is super solde. That's always handy when shopping.
And I didn't get too many pictures of my first afternoon in Montréal because I thought my camera might melt. But I did get a photo of the carton of milk we got.
You may have seen this on my Facebook page already, but if not, then feast your eyes.
But take a closer look...
Das hilaris.
Goodnight, darlings.
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