Friday, July 23, 2010

Unofficial (soon to be replaced) Post

So this isn't a post, it'll be removed soon. It's more of a long distance post-it note.
I'm on my way home now. I'm about half an hour away from getting on a plane to Singapore and then another home to Perth. I'll be home on midnight of Saturday morning.
I'll see you chums at school on Monday.
WOOOOOOOOOOOOH contain your excitement for the sake of normality. Please do not embarrass yourselves.
And if you want to see me before Monday, tough luck, I'm busy learning how to play piano again.
Next stop, Perth. Via Singapore. Or more like Singapore-Perth. Something.
Who cares! I'm coming home!
Next stop, HOME!

EDIT: Until I do end up blogging the last few days, check out my other long-running blog here. It'll tickle your fancy.


  1. crazy that its already over, dunno how it went for you, but it felt fast for me

  2. lol i think hes trying to say he missed you... (i got ur bak conrawr :D)

    DARCIEDARCIEDARCIEDARCIEDARCIE hope ur ready to be up bright n early on monday morning coz.....

    WE'RE IN THERE AT 7:30 practising for nxt friday when we go on tourette with our epic little 'rock band'. and mr basile wants 2 see u first thing monday mornin about making sure u no musiks n get permission slip etc,etc,etc... Oh and theres an extra swing band practice at recess or lunch on tuesday. cant remember. GET HOME SOON!!! we missed u like crazy!!!

  3. oh yeah we arranged the practise to start at 6.30 just because we wanted to make sure you'd be nice and groggy and be ready to play everything FLAWLESSLY on teh frist try, then we go home for an hour and come back to school for another practise =D
