Time: 10.23pm
Town: Lake Louise, Alberta
GMT: -07.00GMT
So, we left Kamloops pretty early, after the free breakfast. Thanks, Hampton Inn. You're a champ. The waffles were delicious.
It was Canada day today, kind of like our Australia day. So it figures we were in the car for most of the day. But oh well.
We drove a fairly long way today, but it's alright because I fell asleep again, as is habit of mine.
Didn't see too much on the way, but here's some cool signs we saw on the way.
By the way, I have not seen one freaking moose. Or a freaking bear, or a freaking eagle, or a freaking mountain goat. I have seen bear droppings, but no bear. I've seen one (particularly fat) raccoon, and he was walking on the path in Vancouver. Lazy bum. And I've seen seen squirrels and chipmunks. Here's a picture of a chipmunk at Lake Louise.
Lake Louise was AMAZING. We stayed at Hotel Fairmont, right next to Lake Louise, and it's the best place in the world. Room with a view, FOR GREAT WIN.
They said we could go swimming. Yeah, if it wasn't below zero in the water, I would. But thanks anyway.
This is the view from our room. Lake Louise, Alberta.
........ nuff said.
We went for a walk (use the term advisedly) and I almost died of exhaustion. Because Lake Louise is the highest town in Canada, about 2000m above sea level, the air is much thinner and doing any kind of exercise requires intense lung power. Which I lack, because I have only ever done any exercise in Perth, and our 'Mountains' in Perth are pathetic in comparison to Canada's, as you may have noticed from the pictures. They have lakes higher than our highest mountains.
That's our hotel, taken from the top of the lookout where we walked to. Aka, the place where we regenerated all of our lost energy from walking up a bloody mountain.
And that was the short walk. Ergh.
Me and sister dearest, and the BEANIE!
I love this beanie. Bought it from a gift shop inside the hotel (how very snazzy!) and it is the new favourite article of clothing. I have worn it all day and plan to wear it all day tomorrow. (I'm talking about the beanie in the hope that you'll ignore the fact I look like a complete spastic in this image. Thanks.)
And afterwards, we went inside and lounged around, and went to dinner at this Saloon type place. It was pretty cool, our waitress was a Kiwi and she looked like Ellen Page, so well done there. This is only significant to the blog because I had a Jimmy Simpson for dessert, and this my friends is a Jimmy Simpson.
A layer of fudge brownies, covered in a layer of ice cream and another layer of whipped cream and caramel sauce between each layer. Hellz yeah, bitches! It was amazing.
The waiter who brought it to us explained the history. Jimmy Simpson himself was a dog-sled guy, and he was the fastest, meanest, best dog-sledder in Alberta and around those mountains at the time. He set all the records and won all the races.
And this is what he fed his dogs. Fudge brownies, ice cream, whipped cream and caramel sauce.
We love you Jimmy Simpson.
So this is Lake Louise and I love it so much.
Stay tuned, folks.
Next stop, Banff (but not till after more exploring of Lake Louise.)
ReplyDeleteI'm so darn proud *tear*
it was absolutely necessary. :D
ReplyDeleteThat face you wear whilst sporting the beanie makes me laugh. haha, still laughing. awesome pictures, the mountains in the back of the lake view is stunning.