Town: Ottawa, Ontario
Time: 10.00pm
Timezone: GMT -04.00
So we left Toronto pretty early because it was stinking hot again. We figured spending a day in the air conditioned family van (which was probably bigger than the hotel anyway) was a much better idea than strolling around in the sweltering heat again.
So we made our way to Ottawa.
Okay, this town was awesome. It's kind of like the Canberra of Canada (but it's not the capital city), it's where all the important political stuff goes on but we didn't get time to look around because we had to go to see our cousins! Ahhhh! I have cousins in Canada!!!!!
So my Mum's cousin Louise moved to Canada about six years ago with her husband Steve, who is Canadian. They're really cool, Louise was happy to have a majority of Australians in the room. Wooh!
And they made babies! They are the cutest cousins I have in the whole of Canada... I have to say that because I don't want to offend my Australian cousins. Who are also cute. I'll shut up before I get in trouble...
Noah is four (and a half... this is important) and Milly is two (and a half also). They're adorable, I played Lego Star Wars with Noah and he is by far my superior. He is awesome in that he power levels so it's much fun being able to play with him and he likes getting to play with someone who actually knows how.
So that's my Canadian relatives, they are epic awesome and I love them a lots.
Next stop, Montreal. Bring on the French-speak.
Or not, actually.
Par le vous Englais?
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