Time: 4.25pm
Town: Kamloops, British Columbia
Timezone: GMT -07.00
I'm behind on the blog again. LEAVE ME ALONE!
It's okay, I'll update it now. I'm in Banff, I've got nothing left to do. And nothing happened between Kamloops and now much anyway.
Read on, chappies.
Spent most of today driving through mountain roads, travelling about 400km from Vancouver to Kamloops, passing through Whistler, Squamish and... a few other significant towns that I forget.
Leaving Vancouver was sad, I really liked it there. I wanted to stay, but we have a whole holiday to finish! There's just not enough time for spending in one little town.
This is Squamish. Yeah. We didn't get to hang around for too long, but it was a cute town.
We got through Whistler, and we hung around there for a while. Whistler was where all the skiing and snowboarding events for the Winter Olympics were held, but we just dropped past for a hotdog and Starbucks.
But they did have an enormous Inukshuk on the way into town, which was exciting.
The tribes who lived in Canada before white settlement used to build Inukshuk as a symbol of people, so the other people would be aware of the people who had been there before. Very handy, don't you think?
The Trans-Canada highway goes through a big old mountain range, and pretty much goes all the way beside this river and train line. And that's about all in this photo.
Heh heh heh.
So we travel on this highway all through the winding mountains. I fell asleep, of course. But we stopped to take a photo of this mountain-river-picturesque-thing. Really cool. I had no idea where we were so I don't know where this is, somewhere between Whistler and Lillooet.
Oh yeah. For the record, don't ever go to Lillooet, and I'm not going to waste my time explaining why. Just trust me, and go straight on to Kamloops.
Which is only marginally better, actually.
I don't even have any pictures of Kamloops for you. That's pretty much how much I loved Kamloops. It was very industrial and they did give us free breakfast which was nice, but I wouldn't want to spend too much time there. Paige mentioned that she knows people that live in Kamloops.
Tell them to run away, while they still can. Before they turn into country bumpkins.
That was my day six. Almost a week.
Next stop, Lake Louise.
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