Time: 10.06pm
Town: Vancouver, Canada
Timezone: GMT -07.00
Yes, Day four was pretty much endless shopping. We wandered around Vancouver, sure, but we spent most of day four shopping. As some of you know, I am not a shopper by nature but by nurture. I am forced by the female members of my family to shop and sometimes it hurts. But other times, it's alright. I'm not saying it's satisfying when my sister does her hair, and then it rains, but it is one of the sweetest feelings in the world.
It's Conor's favourite shop.
Robson Street is amazing for shops. There's also epic trees everywhere.
So not much happened today. We shopped, I fell asleep in the car, and they laughed at me because I sleep funny. Dad is driving better, he didn't swear quite as much but still enough to make me giggle.
I actually have no photos for this post. I spent all day shopping, what do you people want from me? To make up for lack of photographical evidence, day five is the trip to the aquarium and the museum of anthropology. THE anthropological museum, which is the most fantastic in the world. Full of totem poles and fancy arty things.
I shall be taking photos. Sorry that the only picture in this post is of a croc's shop. Unofficial fail? Probably.
Blog ya later.
Unofficial Fail? try an outright fail...its official.